About Us

Hello and Welcome to all Escape Roomers!

A little background to this blog and insight to our team:

This blog, our spreadsheet, and Instagram were all inspired by a blog that many of you may already be familiar with. You'll find the link on the left-hand side of this page—it's none other than Scott's "Escape Rooms in Sydney (and beyond) Blog." Josh and I have relied on Scott's blog as our primary reference when scouting our next room, exploring new companies to try, and gathering any other information we can from the wealth of content he has uploaded over the past 10+ years of operation. So please, do check him out!

I (Kyle) oversee all aspects related to our social media platforms - Instagram, Morty, Our Spreadsheet, and, of course, this Blog. When perusing our posts, you'll notice that if they are published on behalf of the entire team, the title will bear [187], which is our team's name/moniker. However, if the post pertains to a review of a room completed outside of our group, the title will include the team member's name, such as [Kyle]. 

Josh is what I would consider the leader of our team. He and I primarily coordinate with each other on our next adventure, scheduling when it will be, and other logistics. He is the driving force behind our journey and the glue that keeps us together, motivated, and eager to tackle as many rooms as possible. 

Simon is the team's resident Mathematician, although I use that term loosely. He's the reason behind our team's name - 187. In one of our many adventures, while reading out the solution to a puzzle, he confidently stated that the numbers in ascending order, 8 goes before 7. His charming inability to solve our team's math puzzles never fails to amuse us.

Luke is arguably the team's most valuable asset, when he has the time to show up! Despite making himself available for only about 20 rooms to date, his presence adds immense value to our team. Unfortunately, his busy life and other hobbies often get in the way. Nevertheless, we cherish his company whenever he's available. Additionally, his proficiency in the English language, which we've always known, becomes even more evident with each room we complete together.

Last but certainly not least, we have our team's "reserve", Dale. Dale has joined us only a handful of times, usually stepping in when Luke isn't available. Despite his limited appearances, Dale proves to be more than capable and serves as a reliable fill-in for our team. He's been a good friend of ours for well over 10 years, so we know and trust his capabilities.

We genuinely love and appreciate anyone who has used and found this blog useful. Creating it was primarily for our own tracking purposes and to provide an outlet for others to make more informed decisions on their choice of rooms. So, from all of us on the team, thank you! Your support means the world to us.